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Assignment 2: Patterns

#1 Patterns Explorations (1)

So this is the start of my 2nd assignment, Patterns. This part of the assignment is interesting because we get to do our own patterns, literally any patterns that we want.For this part of the assignment, I combined real-life objects and imaginative objects to form the patterns that I want, some are colored while some aren't. As you can see, I added different patterns to all the objects I see. 

These were pretty fun to do since I get to explore many different patterns as I was doing. Although I struggled a bit, but after with the help of my lecturer and some inspiration from the internet, I managed to come out with some pretty creative patterns at the end of the day.

#2 Patterns Exploration (2)

After exploring different patterns at the first part of this assignment, I understand patterns better and started to do some patterns on a larger A3 size paper. For this, I combined many patterns into different lines overlapping each other. I used a 0.5 artline pen to get the job done.

#3 Final Artwork

After all the patterns that I have done for the previous parts, I understood patterns better and is ready to do my final. I decided to draw a rose as my object for my final artwork since I like rose among all the flowers.I added different patterns that I explored previously to every pedals of the rose. I doodled some ancient buildings (fondly known in Italy) at the bottom left of my artwork to add the ancient feeling to the overall artwork. At last, I added some other patterns at the background and at the top right corner of the artwork. For my medium, I used 0.3 artline pen, poster colours and colour pencils to form this artwork.

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