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Assignment 2

Video Proposal

In this assignment, we had to write/make a proposal for our upcoming Contextual Studies's major project in the future. The main purpose of this proposal is to know what video styles are we creating and what art movement are we planning to incorporate. The genre of the video can be anything ranging from stop motions, documentaries, art films and animated videos. 


For this assignment, I decided to change things up by not connecting my video to my first assignment. I decided to make a video based on the feminist art movement which is totally not related to my first assignment. The reason behind it is because I always felt that gender inequality is still a barrier among people in this generation, from politicians to business corporates.  I wanted to make a video about humanity and gender equality from the people's voices by interviewing the public and including some videos from the internet about their opinions towards this sensitive topic.


With all these ideas in my head, the genre of my video will be a documentary based and the content will be some interviews and some interviewed clips, here are the slides that I made for my video proposal:

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