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Final Assignment: Sound Wizard

This is it, our final assignment to end our time with Creative Thinking Skill. Our final assignment is titled 'Sound Wizard' and what a surprise it was. I literally didn't see it coming our way, wanting to perform in front of hundreds of eyes? What? 



Anyways, I still did it anyway, haha. The final assignment went a lot smoother than I thought. My group interacted with each other very well throughout the whole preparation for the performance. We brainstormed together, sharing our ideas, exchanging thoughts and ideas with each other. 

Above are some shots from our rehearsal moments. We did quite a lot of rehearsal before the performance day.



After a few rehearsals, we proceeded to make our props for our performance. Here are some shots of our props:

Due to some challenges and also some failures, we spent a few nights to complete our props for the performance. 

Although we had some arguments in between, but it's still for the teams's good. We worked as a team throughout the process and I actually enjoyed myself during the preparation works, being together with the team, sharing thoughts and such. Overall, it was fun and we did quite well during the performance day.



         Oh, and here are some bloopers during the process, enjoy :)

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